
Showing posts from November, 2013

Scared of Heights

There’s a way of thinking prevalent in competitive environments like business or athletics (hello Miami Dolphins!), that in order to help someone become successful, you need to break them down in order to build them back up.  People require “tough love” to strip them of their illusions of adequacy and show them how much they need your help.  If feelings get hurt in the process, well, short term pain, long term gain.    The problem is that only non-living objects are improved by demolition. Nobody helps a tree grow by chopping it down.  Living things need to be nurtured with water and fertilizer and the occasional pruning, not decapitation.  Those who “break down” to “build up” reveal that they really see others like properties, not people.  Truth is, they’re really just scared of things that might grow bigger than them.    Word Count: 139

History Lesson

Faced with a scandal that threatened his political career, Rob Ford denied any wrongdoing. “ ‘This is unbelievable,’ he told the Star. ‘...Someone's trying to do a real hatchet job on me, let me tell you.’  But Tuesday, Ford made a 180-degree turn, admitting he had lied about the incident and apologizing for his behaviour... ...Ford says he is sorry about the incident and the fact he lied about it... ...‘Being in politics, you're in the spotlight all the time. I made a mistake. I made a major mistake. I really regret it'... ...'I came forward and admitted it. That's all I can do. I mean, I'm not perfect.’ "  You would think this was written today, but it's from  2006 “Disregard for the past will never do us any good.  Without it we cannot know truly who we are.”   - Syd Moore Word Count: 140