
Showing posts from September, 2013


A friend recently told me I should blog more.  My doctor says I need to spend more time exercising.  The school my kids attend would like me to volunteer more. My manager is wondering if I could come in early and stay late.  My wife wishes I could do more around the house and my kids want me to play with them more.  My in-laws want to know when we’re coming to visit.  My church only needs a “few hours” of my time.  There are “20 Must See Films”, “14 Can’t Miss TV Shows”, “50 Essential Albums” and “25 Must Read Books” I haven’t got to yet.  Personally, I’d like to upgrade my degree and write a book.   The mistake is to think that I need more time.  What I need is more wisdom to discern between essential and important.  Word Count: 140

If You Like My Voice In Print, Maybe You'll Like It In Stereo Too!

Occasionally, people are crazy enough to ask me to come talk to them about life, God and other stuff that I spend my time wrestling with.  This past Sunday I had the pleasure of sharing my thoughts with the fantastic community of people at Stone Church in Toronto (  I had a blast chatting with them about the prodigal son and why God doesn't love us like we think He does.   If you've got 40 minutes you want to burn, you can listen to it here: The Good News Is You Are Wrong

FYI (An Open Letter to Mrs. Hall)

Normally, posts on this blog are only 140 words but I felt compelled to respond to a blog post by Kim Hall which has been making the rounds on social media the past few days.  You can check out her post here: Here is my response:   Dear Mrs Hall I recently read your blog addressed to all of the young girls on social media your teenage boys have befriended.  As a parent with young kids and a former youth pastor, I believe you have set an admirable goal to “raise men with a strong moral compass”. I also think that more parents should follow your lead and actively participate with their kids in the use of social media (or all media, for that matter).  It’s a complicated world out there so our kids need our help in navigating all the messages, images and ideas they encounter each day.  There is no such thing as “too much communication” between parents and their kids, so I congratulate you and your husband for using these conversations to instill values...