Monday: The Day The Weekend Died

“Last Friday Night” by Katy Perry may be the quintessential Top 40 radio song.  A gem of a pop song, it describes a wild night of ecstasy, inevitably summed up by a Facebook post along the lines of “OMG! BEST NIGHT EVER!!!!!”.  This is the fantasy of pop music; the right recipe of drinks, beats and hookups will produce a transcendent moment that makes life worthwhile.  Eventually Monday arrives and reveals that Friday was merely an escape, changing little and leaving us craving the arrival of the next life-altering moment.  Friday, it turns out, was nothing but an artificial emotional experience constructed out of hype, music,  diluted judgement, raging hormones and the anonymity of a crowd.  The appeal to impressionable young people hungry for meaning in their lives is obvious.  Any resemblance to a church youth convention is purely coincidental.  

Word Count: 140 words


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