Starting Over

I haven't posted a blog in about 10 months because I've felt like I’ve had nothing to say.  I go to write and feel like none of my ideas are original or interesting enough to serve as the building blocks of a decent post (also, I’m lazy).  

However, I was recently reminded that there are only 26 letters in the alphabet, yet people have used those letters to create this:

And this:

And this:

There are only 12 different musical notes, yet people have used those notes to create this:

and this: 

and yes, this: 

There are only 3 primary colors yet people have used those colors to create this 

and this:

 and this:


There was nothing and God created this: 

And this:

 And this:

Sometimes you don’t have to start with a lot, you just have to start.  

Word Count: 139


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