The Root Of The Problem

Author Peter Rollins recently told this story:

A man named Seamus was stranded on a deserted island.  He lived there for 20 years before a passing pilot spotted him and came to his rescue. The pilot was intrigued to see that during his time on the island, Seamus had constructed three large buildings.  Seamus explained that the first structure was his home and the second building was his church where he went to worship and pray each week. Curious, the pilot asked about the third structure.  

"I don't want to talk about it", Seamus replied.  

The pilot pressed Seamus further.  

"It's an awful place" Seamus explained. "Much too hurtful for me to talk about".

"Wow" the stunned pilot said.  "What is this place of such darkness and pain?".

"It's the church I used to go to".

Word Count: 136


  1. I can relate, I have been to a place like that! It was in SUDBURY, ON. I was walked to the front door as an unwelcomed guest. Greatest thing about that, GOD walked out the FRONT door with me.


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