Fantastic Five: The 5 Best Songs By A Given Artist (U2 Edition)

I love music and I love arguing about music.  So occasionally I will be posting lists of my five favourite songs by a particular band or artist.  I expect you will disagree.  That’s what the comment section is for.   Let's do this!

Electrical Storm: 
My totally irrational choice.  U2 themselves probably wouldn’t even put this in their top 25.  

Where the Streets Have No Name: 
The song that every worship leader wishes they had written and has spent their life trying to replicate. 

Beautiful Day: 
Hearing this song on the radio made me buy my first U2 album (And, ironically, what I thought at the time was the first “non-christian” album I had ever purchased. The joke was on me).

The Fly: 
U2 is currently working on a new album.  If there is one song on there half as boundary pushing as The Fly, I will be supremely happy.  

With Or Without You: 
The Edge’s guitar work is always so innovative but it’s the simple strum and chord pattern on the outro that kills me every time. 


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