Kidding Ourselves

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus makes the following statements:

  • Being angry with someone is as bad as killing them
  • Thinking about committing adultery is just like doing it
  • Loving your neighbor isn’t enough, love your enemies too
  • When someone hits you, instead of hitting them back, turn the other cheek
  • Never worry
  • Never judge others
  • Never call someone a fool
  • God wants us to be perfect, like He is

A recent survey by the respected Barna research group found that 3 out of 5 churchgoers feel that they don’t measure up to God’s standards.

On a related note, the research also found that 85% non-churchgoers between the ages of 16-29 believe Christians are hypocrites.

I have to agree.

Either that, or 2 out of 5 churchgoers have never read the Sermon on the Mount.

Word Count: 140


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