Perfect Strangers

Growing up, our family dinners would often feature a discussion of the latest celebrity news; who was hooking up, who was losing weight, who was checking into rehab. We’d discuss “Bennifer” and “Brangelina”, marvel at Jon & Kate’s 8 kids and make Kevin Federline jokes. My Dad would inevitably put an end to the discussion of the personal lives of total strangers by saying “We talk about these people like we know them”.

Last week teen sensation Justin Bieber got caught smoking pot.

Yesterday we learned that Manti Te’o’s girlfriend wasn’t real.

Today American legend Lance Armstrong will tell us that he used performance enhancing drugs.

People will feel betrayed and hurt by these revelations.  Some will get angry.  It’s painful when our heroes turn out to be different then we believed them to be.

It’s like we don’t even know them.

Word Count: 140


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