Enough is Enough

I’m a part of a group of twenty-somethings who meet regularly to talk about life, faith and milking cows (don’t ask).  This week it came to light that between the ten of us present, we own approximately 1560 articles of clothing (not including things like underwear, scarves, socks).  If each item averages $20, that means our group has spent over $31,000 on clothes.  

Which raises the question; would any of our lives be significantly worse off if we owned half of the clothes we do?  

Because, if we cut our clothes spending in half, what amazing things could ten socially conscious, creative young adults do with $15,000 to make the world a better place?

We can’t get a refund on what we’ve spent in the past but tomorrow doesn’t have to be like yesterday.

Word Count: 139


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