Leading By Example

My friend tweeted this yesterday and argued that “non-attendance” by pastors was poor leadership:

To me, the issue isn’t leadership, it’s vision.

As the torch-bearer of the church’s mission, any pastor who won’t give selflessly of their time and energy to make that vision a reality shouldn’t be in ministry.

Likewise, a church with a clear vision of their God given identity and role wouldn’t want to waste precious resources on events that didn’t directly further their mission.

What many pastors dread  is giving up their personal time to attend one more breakfast/prayer meeting/social gathering that’s nothing more then a “holy huddle” filling the social calendars of existing believers.

If your pastors aren’t attending, they’re either unqualified or they understand what the church lacks the clarity of purpose to realize; your event is a waste of time.

Word Count: 140 Words


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