Blind Spot

Jesus once encountered a man born blind.  The disciples asked Jesus "Who's sin caused this man's blindness, his parents or his own?"  Jesus told them "Neither...but this happened so Gods work might be displayed in him". 

After Jesus healed the man, the Pharisees, convinced that Jesus was a sinner, tried to persuade the formerly blind man to deny that it was Jesus who healed him.  When he refused, they banished him from the temple.

By looking for sin in the life of the blind man, the disciples failed to see the possibility of God at work in their midst. 

By looking for sin in the life of Jesus, the Pharisees failed to see God Himself present in their midst.

If we are blind, it’s possible that sin is the culprit.  More likely, our self-righteousness and judgmental attitudes are to blame. 

Word Count: 140 


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