
“If we’re not careful, it gets retardedly fast”.  It was Good Friday and I was talking to our worship band about the tempo of a song we were rehearsing. As the sentence left my mouth I wanted to grab it and shove it back in. I could have used a dozen different non-derogatory words that actually exist, but out popped “retardedly”.  

My original angle for this blog post was how I’m glad I’m not actually famous because in our “Twitter Mob” society, a slip of the tongue like that can cost you a career.

I didn’t actually write it because it did nothing but prove that however good I think I am, I’m awful enough that even when I speak hurtful, unthinking words about beautiful, God-created people, the person I’m still most worried about having hurt is myself.  

Word Count: 140 


  1. Remember growing up when it was acceptable to call people homo?
    Especially your friends?

    Sometime people are too sensitive, sometime we have to watch what we say especially if calling ourselves Christians.


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