Perspective On Blackberry's Day of Silence in Honour of Steve Jobs

My blackberry has not been working all day.  I wanted to tweet my displeasure about the situation or post a witty Facebook status of complaint, but as I said, MY BLACKBERRY IS NOT WORKING!.  Worse, if I wanted to contact my beautiful wife, I would be forced to pick up the phone and speak to her in person.  I would send Blackberry a strongly worded email detailing my frustrations but as I said, MY BLACKBERRY IS NOT WORKING!!!!!  My irritation with Blackberry reminded me of Louis CK’s rant about ungratefulness.  A friend of mine worked in Africa during the seventies, where receiving mail from Canada took months.  My grandmother waited for food drops in bombed out Holland during WWII.  Thirteen million people are starving right now because of the East Africa famine.  As I said, my Blackberry is not working.

Word Count: 140


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