The Sexless Prostitution of Jon Foreman

I once paid money to shake Jon Foreman’s hand.  I’d have enjoyed the experience more if I wasn’t wrestling the possibility that this might be a sexless form of prostitution.  I’d wager money it’s hard play the same songs night after night, posing for countless photo’s and acting interested in the lives of people you’ve just met.  Jon’s eyes looked tired and I wondered if this is where the rockstar illusion dies, playing to an underwhelming crowd in a hotel ballroom in Northern Ontario.  Then the music started and Jon sang every single word like the room was burning.  I imagine it’s easy to get trapped in the illusion of “rockstardom”, to lose your passion in a system that prioritizes profits over people, but Jon had the song and the song was true and the truth will set you free.   
Word Count: 140


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