This Post is Not About Jon Foreman

My youngest daughter is interfering with my attempts at blogging by climbing my lap like Mount Everest.  I recently started a new job and, having never been in furniture sales, I wondered if I would be any good at it.  Would I have what it takes to be successful?  Thankfully, my first customer was an easy sale and for one night, I came through.  Despite that success, I can’t shake that feeling of self-doubt; am I good enough or am I just faking it?  Since August, I’ve lost a job, found a new one and moved to Ottawa, all with a new baby arriving in January.  My family is trusting that I know what I’m doing.     My daughter reaches her destination, looks into my eyes and says “I’m your Lexi baby, right?”.  At least she believes in me.   

Word Count: 139 words


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